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Image by Romain Dancre



We assist clients in identifying and complying with regulatory obligations as they contemplate sales or acquisitions of communications companies or enterprises that hold FCC equipment authorizations.  From the hospital with several business radio licenses that are discovered just prior to a scheduled closing to the enterprise that relies on MVNO resale to operate its end user offerings determining what assignment rights exist, we provide context, support and regulatory due diligence that provides insight into what is material and what is not.  We work with different FCC Bureaus and Divisions when a range of licenses or authorizations are involved in a transaction to try to ensure a seamless process.   We offer practical solutions to overcome impediments to regulatory approval where that is possible. 


Because we have experience and understand the programs and regulations behind communications business or companies that offer communications services, we can anticipate issues and address them prior to a proposed transaction.  We also assist lenders and borrowers in the communications field with a range of regulatory due diligence and applcations processing help. 


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